We give thanks to all of our generous donors. The work of the Bird Center would not be possible without your support. On this page, we make special mention of donations that have been made in celebration, or to honor the memory of a loved one.
In Memoriam
Carol Akerlof
Joan Hawki donated in honor of our founder, Carol Akerlof.
Colette and Jansen Slade
Adria Slade donated in memory of her mother, Colette Slade, and in honor of her brother Jansen’s birthday.
Carol Akerlof
Mark Chapman donated in memory of our founder, Carol Akerlof.
Karen Aungst donated in memory of her mom, who loved watching the birds.
Grace Browe
Christine Easley donated in memory of Grace Browe, a lifetime friend to birds.
Diana Little
James Mulchay donated in memory of Diana Little.
Blue the Blue Jay
María Dabrowski donated in memory of our beloved educational ambassador, Blue.
Colette Slade
Gary Browe donated in honor of Colette Slade.
Lois Jean Clark
Bonnie Taylor donated “in loving memory of Lois Jean Clark, an extraordinary teacher and even better sister. She will be forever loved.”
Anita Burck
Carrie & Tom Riedeman made a donation in loving memory and honor of Anita Burck.
Katherine Aldrich and Connie Rinehart
Jane Aldrich Bohne donated in remembrance of and to honor the thoughtful lives of Katherine Aldrich and Connie Rinehart.
Carol Akerlof
Donald Garlit made a donation in memory of Carol Akerlof.
Lois Jean Clark
Wanda Mayberry donated “in memory of my sweet precious sister, Lois Jean Clark. Jean, our memories and love for you will be forever. I miss you so much and I will see you again. Love, Kay”.
L. Jean Clark
Janet Swarthout donated “with fond memories of L. Jean Clark, an outstanding educator with a competitive spirit who instilled the pursuit of excellence in her students. I appreciate the example she set for her colleagues and the influence she had on me.”
Carol Akerlof
Jens Zorn made a donation in memory of Carol Akerlof and in recognition of Carl Akerlof’s achievements.
Kimberly Kotzian
John Kotzian donated in memory of Kimberly Kotzian.
Barbara Martin
Anita Burck donated in memory of her longtime friend and neighbor, Barbara Martin.
Joan Rosen
Gail Canning donated in loving memory of Joan Irene Rosen.
Joan Rosen
Joan Cappione donated in memory of Joan Irene Rosen.
Joan Rosen
Jami Sobkowiak donated in memory of Joan Irene Rosen.
Joan Rosen
Stephani Simon donated in loving memory of Joanie Rosen.
Valerie Scho Carey
Allison Carey donated in loving memory of Valerie Scho Carey.
Robert Bray Manning
Karyn Bookmeier donated in memory of her dad, Robert Bray Manning, who passed on his love of birds.
Carol Uglean donated in memory of Lola.
Carol Akerlof
Melissa Thun donated in memory of BCM founder Carol Akerlof.
Carol Akerlof and Gisela Milla
Monica Milla donated in memory of BCM founder Carol Akerlof, and her mother, Gisela Milla.
Adam and Virginia Herold
Peg Welch donated in memory of her parents, Adam and Virginia Herold.
In Celebration
Katie Baxter
Libby Baxter donated in honor of Katie Baxter: “Merry Christmas, Katie!”
Marsha and Michael Penner
Paula Reich donated in honor of Marsha and Michael Penner.
Sherri Smith
Elizabeth Sklar donated in honor of BCM board member Sherri Smith: “It’s through Sherri that I began my enthusiasm for birding.”
Paula Brannon donated in honor of Colette, a fellow bird lover.
Rachel Gummper
Patrick Gumpper donated in honor of Rachel Gummper.
BCM Volunteers
Donald Garlit donated in honor of the Bird Center of Michigan’s amazing volunteers.
Several Redditors donated in honor of /u/CHR0-MIUM, a kind stranger who rescued an injured American Woodcock in Detroit.
Keith Taylor
Kate Jackman donated in honor of Keith Taylor’s birthday.
Keith Taylor
Steven Gillis donated in honor of BCM board member Keith Taylor’s birthday.
Jane Taylor
Ann Taylor Pratt made a donation in celebration of her bird-loving sister’s birthday.
John and Penny Tropman
Charlotte Hawley made a gift in honor of her grandparents, John and Penny Tropman.
Russell Charles
Paul Schauer donated in honor of Russell Charles.
Susan Whitlock
Matthew Whitlock donated in honor of Susan Whitlock.
Monique Cadoret
Valerie Moule donated in honor of her niece Monique Cadoret.
Sid Cassar
Laura Cassar donated in honor of fellow bird-lover Sid Cassar.
Kari Falk
Janine Falk donated in celebration of Kari Falk’s birthday.
Heidi Trudell
Laurie Buys donated in honor of Heidi Trudell.
Diana Dyer
Ann Dyer donated in honor of Diana Dyer.
Katie Baxter
Jim & Nancy Baxter made a donation to honor their granddaughter, Katie Baxter, who is one of our interns.
Carrie Sercel
Paula Berriz made a donation to honor Carrie Sercel’s birthday.
Ilene Birge
John Birge made a donation to honor his mother Ilene Birge for her 92nd birthday.
Monique Cadoret
Valerie Moule made a donation to honor her niece Monique Cadoret for her birthday.
Abigale LaMoreaux
Catherine LaMoreaux made a donation to honor her niece Abigale LaMoreaux’s 11th birthday.
Diana Dyer
Richard Dyer made a donation in honor of his wife, Diana Dyer.
Diana Dyer
Garrison Dyer donated in honor of Diana Dyer.
Kari & Amanda Falk
Janine Falk made a donation in honor of Kari Falk and Amanda Falk.
Rebecca Knorp & Jennifer Gilbert
Dennis Gilbert made a donation in honor of Rebecca Knorp and Jennifer Gilbert.
Diana Dyer
Richard Dyer donated in honor of his wife, Diana.
Marcy Breslow
Kelsey Breslow donated adjustable window screens and 2 nylon nets from our Amazon wish list in honor of Marcy Breslow.