We have great news on a way to virtually connect with you! We will be training volunteers in May in small amounts, so we need to discuss our protocols and policies for COVID 19 with you. However, under the ordinance, we can’t meet up yet for an in-person orientation, so we would like to help train you… online!
Join us this Saturday, April 18th at 10:00am on Zoom. We’ll be chatting for about a hour to hour and a half about all the things for whenever we may be able to be together again this season!
Birds still need help during the spring and summer, and they don’t stop needing help in our time of crisis, so we must continue our work in the safest ways possible. The help from our volunteers is essential and beneficial for us to run and operate effectively.
If you would like to be part of our online orientation, or for more information, please email our Volunteer Coordinator at: birdteamvolunteer@gmail.com to RSVP with your name. You can also fill out our official form and application right here on the website.