This #GivingTuesday, will you be a breath of fresh air for our birds? Birds might appear lighter than air, but sometimes, they need our help to catch their breath.
Oxygen is vital for our songbirds as they recover from illness and injury, and we’re so grateful for our oxygen concentrators that have helped us stabilize and support over 1,500 songbirds this year! We’re also incredibly grateful for the word of mouth that brings us new patients from all over the state of Michigan – and helps us save more of the songbirds we all love.

With more new patients than ever on the way in 2023, we’re counting on our community to be a breath of fresh air for our birds. Our oxygen concentrators have helped us save countless lives, but they’re in dire need of replacement. On this #GivingTuesday, will you help us reach our goal of $3,000 to purchase two new oxygen concentrators?
You’ll be in good company: friends like you have helped the Bird Center of Michigan care for more than 17,000 injured and orphaned songbirds since 2004. Our goal is to release every bird healthy and free back to their natural habitat and improve the quality of life for songbirds throughout the state of Michigan through rehabilitation, advocacy, and education.
We’ve accomplished so much together, and there’s still more to come! Will you be the gentle breeze that lifts our most beloved songbirds this holiday season – and all year round? We’ve made it easy to donate through Facebook, PayPal Giving Fund, and we’re now on Venmo, too! For more ways to give, please visit our donate page.
In this season of giving and always, we thank you for being the wind beneath our wings! From the volunteers, staff, and board of the Bird Center of Michigan, we wish you a joyous holiday season!