The Bird Center of Michigan is hosting Operation Flight Cage – a volunteer event to finish the last leg of our newest flight cage! We have numerous fledglings ready or almost ready to go to a flight cage, so we would greatly appreciate your help with getting our latest flight cage finished! The remaining work includes stapling mesh screening and moving pea gravel into the enclosures. You do not need to be handy to help with this project!

Operation Flight Cage will start on Saturday, August 13th at 11 am. There will be snacks, beverages, and lots of bird talk! With staff and volunteers so busy caring for the birds in the Center, and lack of turnout on past volunteer days, we haven’t been able to finish the flight cage as quickly as we would’ve liked. If you are able to help with Operation Flight Cage so we can get this project completed, please RSVP on our Facebook Event page.

We appreciate your help and support! 💙